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How to Customize and Reset Quick Access Settings on Windows 10


You can quickly reset Quick Access pinned folders in Windows 10 File Explorer. We will review two methods that you can use to reset and clear the Quick Access folder state. This can be useful if you have pinned plenty of the folders, and now wants to reset them all with one go.

Quick Access in File Explorer provides quick and easy access to frequently used folders on a Windows 11 PC. Folders you use often are dynamically added, but you can also pin other folders to your Quick Access area.

How to Reset Quick Access Settings

AssistiveTouch can also be added to the Accessibility Shortcut for quick access from Control Center, or you can use the Side or Home button. And if you have an Apple Watch Series 4 or later, you can turn on AssistiveTouch on your Apple Watch.

To do this, open the Quick panel by swiping down from the top of the screen using two fingers. Then, tap the name of the feature under the icon. For example, if you want to access the Flashlight settings, tap the word Flashlight.

Quick Access Toolbar is a toolbar with a set of commands for you to quickly finish your work. You can add or remove command. If you do not like the layout of the Quick Access Toolbar, you can reset to the default setting. Please see the steps below:

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var cid = '1832255644';var pid = 'ca-pub-8951475890999831';var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-technospot_net-box-3-0';var ffid = 1;var alS = 1002 % 1000;var container = document.getElementById(slotId);var ins = document.createElement('ins'); = slotId + '-asloaded'; ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; ins.dataset.adClient = pid; ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; = 'block'; = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; = '100%'; = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; = + 'px'; = + 'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1);var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), attributes: true );The Quick Access feature in File Explorer lets you easily access the files and folders without searching or wasting time to figure out where you need to go. However, at times you may have reset Windows or reinstalled it. In these cases, you will lose access to quick access even though the rest of the files are intact. This post will share how to backup & restore Quick Access in Windows 11/10.

Quick Access is nothing more than a feature present in Windows entirely for convenience. It sorts out your most frequently visited folders, recently accessed files, and pinned folders/files and arranges them in one place so you can quickly re-access them.

The quick access feature is just an access point for all the essential and recently opened or created files. Even if you remove files or folders from quick Access, those folders will still be available at their original location.

Choosing this option will exclude specific folders and directories from the list of quick access' automatically added. New files or recently visited files in these folders will not be automatically added in Quick Access.

Samsung is able to quickly customize the software experience of their devices in different regions by modifying what features are enabled in Samsung's Consumer Software Customization file (CSC), which can be found in /system/csc. Even if you and your friend are running the same version of Android and the same version of the Samsung Experience software (formerly known as TouchWiz), it's possible that you one of you won't have access to the same features as the other if you both own different carrier variants of the same phone.

One such feature that is not present in every Samsung Galaxy variant is the mobile data quick setting tile. This tile allows you to quickly enable or disable mobile data, which can be useful if you are trying to conserve battery life or don't have an unlimited data plan. Another missing tile is the mobile hotspot tile which allows you to quickly toggle the hotspot from quick settings.

In my previous tutorial showing Samsung Galaxy users how to customize the size of the quick settings tile layout without needing root access, one user pointed out this lack of a feature on their device. Lo and behold, my own AT&T Samsung Galaxy S7 was also missing these mobile data and hotspot toggle, so I wanted to see if I could solve this user's request. Thankfully, I was able to re-enable this Mobile Data quick setting tile without needing root access (and later figured out how to enable the mobile hotspot toggle)- here's how!

The first solution to this problem was brought to my attention by another user in the comments section of my quick settings layout article, but that method required root access. It involved modifying the /system/csc/others.xml file to include the Mobile Data toggle under . The modification is very simple as all you have to do is add the string "MobileData" and "Hotspot" somewhere in the comma-separated list of quick setting tiles in that particular feature line in the XML file.

Although this method requires root access (which puts it out of the reach of the vast majority of users), it did provide some insight on how to tackle this problem. First, it appears that this CSC modification simply tells the system to show this quick setting tile to be displayed after booting up, but it does not actually seem to add the feature. This modification works without modifying any other system file, meaning this quick setting tile is present on the stock software without needing to touch anything else. Could it be that all Samsung did was hide the tile from the quick setting tile menu? You bet!

Saving your workspace will not keep those quick access commands from disappearing. It happens here every now and then too (just happened yesterday, in fact..but hasn't happened in a couple months now), and I *always* have my workspace updated to any changes I've made.

But how can I use my MX-5 QuickAccess data (Guest Profile) in MX-6 ?? That makes me totally mad since some months. Every time I've copied the MX-5 "QaConfig.dat" file to the MX-6 installation path and its quickaccess folder (in my case: D:Program Files\Mathon 6\User Data\Profile 1\QuickAccess/) and restart than the MX-6 Browser, it shows me always again and again the MX-6 Default QuickAccess Data/Links !!

In MX-6, however, I'm unable to access my QuickAccess data from my MX-5 (Guest Profile). Since a few months ago, I've been completely enraged by it. Every time I've copied the MX-5 "QaConfig.dat" file to the MX-6 installation path and its quickaccess folder (in my case, D:Program FilesMathon 6User DataProfile 1QuickAccess/) and restarted the MX-6 Browser, it shows me the MX-6 Default QuickAccess Data/Links!!

I installed the latest system update yesterday and since then when I open Samsung Internet and open a new tab instead of displaying my quick access links it displays the google search page. I thought I had lost them altogether but they do appear when you click on the address bar in a kind of popup. My settings are set to default the home page to quick access which seems at odds with this behaviour. This is either a bug or a really bad UI design decision. Anyone else get this? Is there a fix?

Thanks for the reply. I cleared the browser cache and it didn't appear to work but then I restarted the phone and then in the browser settings it showed Google as the homepage. Switching to quick access then of course fixed it. The update must have changed the homepage default to google but not updated the settings or something. 2ff7e9595c


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