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The J.R.R. Tolkien Archive v2: Everything You Need to Know About the Creator of Middle-earth


Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth is at the Weston Library, Oxford, until 28 October. Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth is published by the Bodleian Library. To order a copy for 34 (RRP (40), go to or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over 10, online orders only. Phone orders min. p&p of 1.99.

Hope I will be able to visit the archives one day. I've had the opportunity of looking at some of this material at the Bodleian but I'd love to see more :)Thanks for the report, retweeted via @Macrobee and @The_Tolkienist.

The J.R.R. Tolkien Archive v2

Tolkien Fan Fiction is an archive for all Tolkien fanfiction. After several years offline (from 2018), the site became active again in July 2021. It was founded in 2004 by Mike Kellner and others as an archive for the Henneth Annûn mailing list, and list membership remains a requirement for authors archiving there.[2] It opened on July 10, 2004.[3] Site design is by Hope Hoover. The current editor is Brenda Evans.

Fiction, poetry and essays associated with all Tolkien works are archived. The archive allows adult content, both het and slash. It does not accept RPF, lists or MSTs. Unfinished works are not permitted (except as an unpublished draft).

In a July 10, 2004 post to the Henneth Annûn mailing list, archive founder Mike Kellner expressed the need for an archive without a review system (compared to the Henneth Annûn Story Archive) but with minimal standards for quality, such as correct spelling and grammar (compared to that accepted all genres of Tolkien-based fanfiction.[3] It was normal at this time in Tolkien fanfiction history for sites to either focus on niche interests (specializing in a character or group of characters, such as Hobbits, or a specific genre such as slash) or to disallow certain genres or content, such as adult-rated material or slash. TFF purported to provide a place for Henneth Annûn list members to post their work without such restrictions.

In September 2011 the archive housed around 950 works from over a hundred authors. As of January 2014, it is still updating several times a month, with a total of 1030 works from around 110 authors. The site went offline during 2018, but as of July 2021 is active again. 2ff7e9595c

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